Mrs Peacock’s pincushion

Have you ever made something simply because you thought the person you planned to give it to would like it? Not because it was a birthday or Christmas, just because you felt like it?

Because Wendy of Wendy’s Quilts and More likes vibrant shades of peacock blues and greens, in my head I often think of her affectionately as Mrs Peacock, who seems too nice to be a likely murder suspect in Cluedo. As I had a lot of Wendy-friendly colours left over from my big blue quilt, I made her this pincushion and popped it in the post.

Dahlia pincushion

I made this dahlia pincushion using the pattern from Sandi Henderson’s book Sewing Bits and Pieces.

It is the second pincushion I have made using the dahlia pattern from Sandi Henderson’s book Sewing Bits and Pieces. I do not have a decent photo of the first one, in reds and oranges, which was made before I started blogging. I gave it away as a door prize at our quilting retreat a few years ago, and the friend who won it uses it to this day.

That is the point, isn’t it: to make things that will be used and appreciated.

On that subject, I hope Afton of Quilting Mod uses and appreciates my (now her) knitting bag. Hers was the fourth comment. (Thank you, random number generator, for giving me a number that was easy to count!)
Congratulations, Afton. I will email you separately to get your postal address.

Thanks to everyone who entered. I got a kick out of discovering that no two people chose the same project as their favourite!

30 thoughts on “Mrs Peacock’s pincushion

  1. I never really had a “thing” for pincushions but you are completely changing my mind. I can’t help but covet every pincushion you make! What have you done to me??! Think I”m going to have to do some pinterest shopping. Wendy is going to love this one and congrats to Afton, too.

  2. How sweet! I much prefer to give gifts randomly when things “speak” to me rather than try to force something appropriate at a birthday. I think it is way more fun to get a random surprise in the mail on occasion.

  3. Mrs Peacock here. Thank you so much Carla, I love the pin cushion. And you’re so right – it was such a happy surprise to find a gift in the letter box. It’s the first quilty gift I’ve ever received from an online friend and I will treasure it for years to come. Thank you.

  4. Love the pincushion! My teenage daughter said very seriously, “There is no excuse for an ugly pincushion.” and she is so right!

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